Research Paper Topics

This following is a list of preliminary, potential topics for your final research papers. This list is by no means complete; therefore, new ideas should be added as comments below. Please feel free to submit new entries over the next few weeks as your topics and theses develop!

-- inflation
-- the US Federal Reserve Bank
-- the various US government bailouts of 2008-2009
-- the US auto industry
-- overseas economic expansion and domestic job loss
-- corporate greed and the profit machine
-- income tax, sales tax
-- social security
-- debt, credit cards
-- trade agreements
-- advertising and marketing
-- urban renewal and gentrification

-- global climate change, pollution, etc.
-- pesticide and herbicide use
-- food supply corporatization, monoagriculture
-- fast food
-- Monsanto and other mega-food corporations
-- genetically modified organisms and genetically modified foods  
-- animal rights
-- organic/sustainable farming and co-operative movements
-- urban agriculture
-- greenscaping, eco-architecture
-- alternative energy production
-- electric vehicles and alternative fuels
-- nuclear, biological, chemical weapons (WMDs)
-- world hunger

-- gender equality
-- female double-standard(s)
-- patriarchy v. matriarchy in society
-- marriage traditions, LGBTQ marriage
-- in vitro fertilization, alternative fertility treatments
-- social affections, acceptance of feminine and masculine emotion
-- gender roles, gender norms, hyper-masculinity and hyper-femininity
-- LGBTQ acceptance and equality, historical and/or current issues and trends

-- mass health care systems v. privatized health care (e.g., Obamacare)
-- welfare and other government assistance programs
-- cancer, and the cancer industry
-- pharmaceuticals
-- drug use, abuse, addiction, etc. (e.g., alcohol, crack/cocaine, heroin, etc.)
-- illegalization v. legalization of controlled substances (e.g., marijuana)
-- body image and eating disorders
-- obesity
-- vaccinations and their numerous risks
-- mental health and mental illness
-- abortion v. pro-choice
-- sexual health and education
-- cigarette smoking
-- homelessness
-- world health  

-- body modification: tattoos, piercings, scarification, implants, etc.
-- trends, fads, and the “viral” nature of cultural memes

-- hippies, the 1960s, festivals
-- punk rock and/or metal
-- electronic dance music (EDM) and raves
-- rap and/or hip hop
-- salsa, bachata

-- television
-- cell phones and smart phones
-- social networking, new social interaction and behavior
-- internet censorship and governmental controls over public access
-- issues concerning privacy and security
-- whistleblowers (e.g., WikiLeaks)
-- artificial intelligence
-- video game violence

-- bill of rights, especially the freedom of speech and press
-- violent v. nonviolent
-- police brutality
-- hate crimes
-- flash mobs
-- riots
-- protest en masse, the power of the boycott, civil disobedience, the General Strike
-- the Civil Rights Movement
-- TAZs, pirate utopias, and the importance of “space”
-- Arab Spring, European Summer
-- Occupy Wall Street (OWS)
-- the use and importance of social media in cultural resistance
-- politics that don’t look like politics
-- gun control and/or disarmament of the populace
-- gangs and gang violence
-- graffiti
-- workplace discrimination
-- terrorism and the war on terror
-- capital punishment
-- interrogation and torture (e.g., Guantanamo Bay)
-- homeland security, government surveillance  
-- the place/role of religion in the American public/private school system

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